Want a job in retail? Don't look for one now. Seriously. The post-holiday retail job listing lull phenomenon explained. James Mattone 12.27.18 7:07 PM People
Here's who's hiring - and firing - in the hedge-fund space Point72, Blackrock, Citadel, and more are included in our year-end look at some of the top hedge funds and capital management groups of 2018. James Mattone 12.24.18 6:27 PM People
Usage data reveal why Zynga nabbed Small Giant Games According to Facebook Active Users data, Zynga saw its userbase for some of its most popular mobile games fall this year. Will Empires and Heroes help the company save its portfolio? James Mattone 12.21.18 6:48 PM Tech
How many users' private messages did Spotify see? A look at some numbers. Four companies that had access direct access to private data had Facebook apps with some of the highest active user rankings on the platform. James Mattone 12.19.18 5:56 PM People
GM says its future is autonomous vehicles in Lake Orion. So where are the jobs? General Motors is laying off 50 jobs at its Brownstown factory. At the same time, it's been 18 months since our database found a job at GMs Lake Orion factory. James Mattone 12.18.18 7:44 PM People
Want a job at Citigroup? Get into AI or data science, and do it quick. The number of job listings for CitiGold positions have declined recently, while openings for jobs containing the words "Machine Learning", "Data Scientist", or "Artificial Intelligence" has increased. James Mattone 12.17.18 9:09 PM People