Loan for the holidays: Lending Club loans out more during holiday shopping months During a record breaking holiday shopping season, loans issued by Lending Club are seeing a rise year-over-year. James Mattone 11.26.18 2:37 PM People
Personal loan interest rates are on the rise again, at least at Lending Club After a steady average decline that began in 2013, personal loan interest rates at Lending Club are once again climbing. Joshua Fruhlinger 9.6.18 7:58 PM Markets
Teachers take out more loans than any other profession According to loans issued by industry leader Lending Club, teachers take out more loans than any other profession. Joshua Fruhlinger 4.23.18 7:26 PM People
A toilet paper CEO who drowned his company with an ill-fated expansion is now in even deeper sh*t A judge greenlit a bankruptcy trustee’s case against Jeffrey Schoen, potentially making him liable for tens of millions of dollars in damages. Christie Smythe 3.18.22 9:02 PM Markets
America's personal loans visualized: income, principal, and credit scores Americans love debt. But just how much? Some charts to give you something to ponder. Joshua Fruhlinger 3.12.18 8:52 PM People