People are risking their lives to shop at Lululemon With people working from home, leggings are the new business casual. Athleisure retailers like Lululemon and Athleta can stand to benefit. Julia Gray 9.10.20 3:30 PM Innovation
A brief history of Away: From suitcases to scandals Can Away bounce back from COVID shutdowns and the company's co-founder drama? Amy Lamare 9.4.20 2:55 PM Features
Plus size menswear leader Destination XL is on the bankruptcy watch list. Which competitors could rise up? After years of dominance in the plus size menswear market, DXL Group is one of the most vulnerable retailers for bankruptcy. Here are seven competitors that could benefit from DXL’s troubles. Jael Goldfine 9.2.20 8:00 PM Markets
Here's how three bankrupt retailers bounced back, and what debt-ridden brands can learn from them The retail apocalypse was looming, and the pandemic hit it home. How will retailers recover in the face of COVID-19? Jessica Hicks 9.2.20 3:30 PM Markets
Unity's IPO will succeed thanks to rapid growth and branding Game engine Unity's S-1 is a strong indicator that the market for games will continue to expand in the future Danny Konstantinovic 8.28.20 7:14 PM Markets
A brief history of Rent The Runway: Can the clothing rental company survive COVID-19 shutdowns? To survive, Rent the Runway will need to pivot its business to quarantine-friendly essentials. Amy Lamare 8.28.20 12:00 PM Features