J.Crew is bankrupt: Here's what's left of the company in terms of social media and hiring J.Crew's demise can be traced back to its resistance of evolving trends, but also due to an unprecedented blow to the fashion industry. Julia Gray 5.4.20 2:41 PM Markets
Five9 data shows why its shares are up nearly 40% in 2020 Just because we're in the middle of a pandemic, it's not going to keep Karen from wanting to speak to a manager. Jon Marino 5.4.20 1:10 PM Innovation
Weight Watchers slims down its workforce The company is implementing a $100 million cost-savings initiative. Julia Gray 5.1.20 3:41 PM Innovation
Juul's following was going up in smoke before the layoffs - data shows months of struggling Months of stalled hiring and slowed social engagement suggests Juul's problems could only be beginning. Jon Marino 5.1.20 10:00 AM Innovation
Clorox keeps getting tons of attention in 2020 It's a social media love fest for Clorox. More consumers are following the company now - and hopefully, only for the right reasons. Jon Marino 4.30.20 1:52 PM Markets
Spotify earnings went so well nobody noticed hiring went down 32% in a month Spotify now has 286 million active monthly users. Jared Russo 4.29.20 7:44 PM Markets